Transferring ownership of a workspace
If you are a workgroup administrator with administrator privileges, you can transfer ownership of any member's workspace in your workgroup to yourself or any other member as long as their status is not disabled or pending. This may be necessary in the event that an Objective Connect user leaves your company and you would like to take control of their workspaces or transfer them to another user to ensure that company information is not shared incorrectly. Likewise, it may be necessary to take ownership of a workspace so that the information in the workspace is no longer available to users who have left the workgroup.
When you transfer ownership of a workspace the previous owner becomes a participant with read-only access to the workspace. The ownership of existing tasks is transferred to the proposed (new) workspace owner. The proposed workspace owner must be a member of the workgroup.
Important: If two-step verification is enabled for a workspace, ensure that it is disabled prior to transferring ownership. The proposed owner can then enable it again.
As an administrator in Objective Connect, select your username in the top right-hand corner of the page and choose the option from the drop-down menu.
The Workgroup page displays.
- Select the workgroup.
- In the Workspaces section of the Workgroup page, select in the Actions column for the workspace, then .
- Enter the proposed workspace owner’s email address or name.
- Select .
Important: The Objective Connect Link version must be or above to transfer a ownership.
The following conditions must exist in order to take or transfer ownership of a workspace. The proposed owner:
- must be in the same Objective Connect workgroup.
must have privileges to the linked workspace container within the EDRMS, which are equal to or greater access than the current owner of the workspace.
- must have access to the share extenders, i.e. the proposed owner must be able to share folders in order to have ownership transferred to them.
- must at least have See and Open privileges on the root folder of the workspace.
- must exist in the Objective Connect Link database users table.
- must be able to share folders to enable ownership transfer.
Various scenarios may affect document access during the transfer, such as new documents being uploaded, existing documents being removed, whilst in some cases, access remains unchanged.
Depending on your EDRMS there are varying factors such as direct or inherited privileges on the object, caveats, classifications and/or repository staff permissions. To validate if the proposed owner has the required privileges, ensure that the proposed owner can browse and open the linked workspace container and its contents within the EDRMS.
The transfer goes into a pending state until Objective Connect verifies the new owner's access to the shared folder in the content repository. In case of an unsuccessful transfer, workgroup administrators receive an email notification.