
Depending on your role and type of information you wish to capture, you can generate reports:

Report name


Who can run this report?

Workgroup report

Generate workgroup statistics. Downloaded as a .csv file, this report includes statistics such as the workspace and members in the workgroup, the number of connections used and so on.

Enterprise administrators

Workspace report

Generate workspace statistics. Downloaded as a .csv file, this report includes statistics such as if two-step verification is enabled, number of shared documents, if there is a scheduled end date and so on.

Enterprise/workgroup administrators

Member report

Generate member statistics. Downloaded as a .csv file, this report includes statistics such as name and email address of the members, when did they last login, which document did they last modify and so on.

Enterprise/workgroup administrators

Connection report

Generate connection information for a specific time period.

Enterprise/workgroup administrators

Audit report

Created as a .csv file, allows you to manipulate the information produced. You can also view your workspace audit events in the Activities section.

An audit report is available for both Objective Connect Standard edition and Enterprise edition.

Enterprise/workgroup administrators

Workspace owners/managers

Workspace record

Not to be confused with a workspace report, a workspace record is an executive-ready report created as a PDF file.

A workspace record is only available for Objective Connect Enterprise edition.

Enterprise/workgroup administrators

Workspace owners/managers