Downloading documents with Objective Connect for Windows

When sharing documents and restricting the ability for a participant to download documents, there are a number of considerations if you have participants using Objective Connect for Windows.

  • If you create a workspace and don't provide the participant the ability to download documents, they will not appear in the participant's Objective Connect for Windows desktop application. The documents will only be available for preview using their browser.
  • If you don't initially provide a participant the ability to download document, and add the ability to download documents later, only new documents or documents that have subsequent version updates, will appear in the participant's Objective Connect for Windows desktop application. In this instance, it's recommended that you remove the participant from the workspace and re-invite them with updated abilities.
  • If you do initially provide a participant the ability to download documents and revoke the ability to download documents later, the documents that have already appeared in the participant's Objective Connect for Windows desktop application will remain there. In this instance, it's recommended that you remove the participant from the workspace and re-invite them with updated abilities.